
CityNet Law is a firm of solicitors authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority with Solicitors firm reference number: SRA No 442613

VAT Registration number: 877 7326 71

Solicitor Principal: Hugh Bohling.

Principal Business Address:  CityNet Law, Second Floor, New London House, 6 London Street, London, EC3R 7LP

CityNet Law and CityNetLaw are the trademarks of the firm in regular business use in the practice of solicitor in the UK since 2006 and are held under licence.

Domain names in regular use by the firm are registered and protected.

CityNet Law does not actively store, process or share personal data collected from this website.

The SRA’s rules can be accessed by clicking on the following link:

The team of lawyers described in this website are each independent solicitors in their own right with their own independent practices and professional indemnity insurance. The team have agreed to collaborate and support each other as and when required to offer the experience of senior solicitors to clients across several disciplines. The team are not in partnership with CityNet Law or with each other and contractual arrangements will be reached with clients on each engagement when one or more members of the team are engaged.

The artist Claire Jane Kendrick retains sole copyright in her contributions of art to this website and generally.